Monday, July 30, 2007

Pluot Pie with Crumble Topping

Holy Shit this was a great pie! I had 2 different groups clammoring for it. So I made a personal pie for home for my friend Jess's visit. And another one for the office. I had never even heard of a Pluot until Molly and I went to the Farmer's Market yesterday. It was so sweet and juicy. Perfect for a Pie I thought.

So delicious. The crumble topping was excellent. Nice and lemony which only enhanced the flavor of the pie. I added some plums which added a bit more color to the mix and a fun tartness.

My downfall here was that I cooked the 2 pies in the oven at the same time. Not a good idea. The edges of the crusts were burnt and their bottoms were still raw. Next time.... One at a time!!!

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